Our Team
At Limited Resources, we're on a mission to help reduce greenhouse gases and abuse of washer and dryer machines. We offer property managers, landlords, airbnb hosts, laundry mat owners, rv parks and marinas a coinless credit card payment system for their washers, dryers and showers. Our goal is to allow your tenants or patrons to pay via credit card or coinless through an easy to install app. No more coins means no more lost quarters in the machines or under the seats of your car. No more coins means less carbon emissions from manufacturing those coins. And less carbon emissions means a happier planet for all of us! We believe that the future is coinless and we want you to be prepared for it. If you're ready to join us in making the world a better place for our children's children and their children, then [brand name] is ready to give you the tools to do that.
We believe in a more sustainable future. In order to reduce green house gases and help make our planet cleaner and healthier, we're dedicated to helping property managers, landlords, Airbnb hosts, laundry centers, and RV parks build coinless credit card-based payment systems for washing machines, dryers, and showers. We offer a range of services and products that are designed to improve the quality of life for our clients' customers—and to reduce the chance of abuse of these resources. Our system is easy-to-install, eco-friendly, and affordable for both you and your end user. Our goal is to make the world a better place for everyone involved in your business—and we can't wait to get started on your project!
Limited Resources is the is the only paybox that combines coinless credit card transactions with washer and dryer timer limits. We pride ourselves on our ability to help you, the property manager, reduce your green house gases and at the same time increase your revenue. This is important because not only will your customers be happy that they are helping to save the earth, but so too will your shareholders. We also know that abuse of coin-operated machines is a huge problem for property managers and landlords. That's why we offer a timer option on our payboxes so that your customers can't use more water or electricity than necessary (thereby saving you money). We offer the most comprehensive solution for both apartment complexes, self-serve laundromats, airbnb units, RV parks, commercial laundromats and other facilities with washers and dryers.
Pay box timer is a one-stop-shop for all of your laundry and shower payment needs. We provide coinless payment systems for landlords, property managers, airbnb hosts and more to easily set up systems in their facilities. We help you reduce abuse of washers and dryers, get paid faster and reduce green house gases.
At Limited Resources, we believe that our mission is to help reduce greenhouse gases, while making property management, laundry and shower rooms more efficient. We are focused on reducing abuse of washers, dryers, and showers by building coinless credit card payment systems for washers, dryers and showers.
We believe in a more sustainable future. In order to reduce green house gases and help make our planet cleaner and healthier, we're dedicated to helping property managers, landlords, Airbnb hosts, laundry centers, and RV parks build coinless credit card-based payment systems for washing machines, dryers, and showers. We offer a range of services and products that are designed to improve the quality of life for our clients' customers—and to reduce the chance of abuse of these resources. Our system is easy-to-install, eco-friendly, and affordable for both you and your end user. Our goal is to make the world a better place for everyone involved in your business—and we can't wait to get started on your project!
Limited Resources is the is the only paybox that combines coinless credit card transactions with washer and dryer timer limits. We pride ourselves on our ability to help you, the property manager, reduce your green house gases and at the same time increase your revenue. This is important because not only will your customers be happy that they are helping to save the earth, but so too will your shareholders. We also know that abuse of coin-operated machines is a huge problem for property managers and landlords. That's why we offer a timer option on our payboxes so that your customers can't use more water or electricity than necessary (thereby saving you money). We offer the most comprehensive solution for both apartment complexes, self-serve laundromats, airbnb units, RV parks, commercial laundromats and other facilities with washers and dryers.
Pay box timer is a one-stop-shop for all of your laundry and shower payment needs. We provide coinless payment systems for landlords, property managers, airbnb hosts and more to easily set up systems in their facilities. We help you reduce abuse of washers and dryers, get paid faster and reduce green house gases.
At Limited Resources, we believe that our mission is to help reduce greenhouse gases, while making property management, laundry and shower rooms more efficient. We are focused on reducing abuse of washers, dryers, and showers by building coinless credit card payment systems for washers, dryers and showers.