There is much debt about how to best setup new coin laundry Power Box 110 ® model number PB110 and PB220 from Limited Resources. people spent some time on the internet looking at planning ideas for our new coin operated laundry room. A recurring debate is two opposing ideas for coin laundry appliances, is to whether to stack coin washer and coin dryer or place coin washer and coin dryer side by side one another. people will look at the pros and cons to both ideas and let Limited Resources customers decide for themselves which option best suits their rental property.
Three Options For Coin Laundry coin washer coin dryer Placement
Stacked Pros
Efficient use of floor space
Side by Side Pros
Raise Side by Side
Three Options For Coin Laundry coin washer coin dryer Placement
Stacked Pros
Efficient use of floor space
- Front load coin washer always stinks with mildew and the smell is hard to control. People don’t don’t wipe out the seal after every use. Solution is to tuck an washcloth in every time it's wiped to absorb moisture between washes. Alternative solution is to wipe and if people are done using it for a day or two I leave it cracked open so it can air dry.
- When coin laundry coin washer and coin dryer need need to be serviced, two people are need to get the top one down. It costs more money, because one person can’t lift the coin dryer off.
- Stacking puts people on their tippy toes for the coin washer, and makes the coin dryer like a cave people have to tunnel into.
Side by Side Pros
- Appliances on the floor will make it easier for people and young kids to use when they start washing machine. Front loaders when low people can use the top for sorting and folding. Good for drying items that need to be flat.
- Allows for creating a “tablescape” across the top for extra surface area / folding, etc. and allows people to easily maneuver clothes in and out.
- The new no- agitator top load coin washers provide a lot of internal drum space. People can wash a bedspread or comforter, which can’t be done in a front loader. The water level doesn’t get high enough to really clean it and can’t open up and agitate.
- Front loaders on the floor with a (removeable) counter over the top. Keep the coin washer door open to avoid mold/smell use a little bungee hook so it is only open about 3″.
- People have had to move them in and out for various reasons and it has been easy with coin coin washer and coin dryer on the floor.
- Having the door open where I can whack a person on i. It uses less water to be energy efficient and it doesn’t clean the clothes as well.
Raise Side by Side
- No need to bend over to load and unload, saves the lower back when side by side coin laundry is raise three feet off the ground. When coin laundry are at eye level is the best solution no bending over at all. Bonus is that little kids can’t play our with controls and accidentally start the coin washer and coin coin dryer machines.
- I had a front loading coin washer & coin dryer that I hated because: mold is a real problem in the coin washer; the clothes never came out as clean; and it took much longer to dry the clothes. I was so happy the day they had to be replaced! People have a stackable coin washer and coin dryer in our now permanent home, due to the lack of space. Stackable coin laundry coin washer and coin dryer take up less space and also prevent so much bending over.
- If I was going off the ground, I would have something like a tall shopeopler basin so that if there was a leak cabinets wouldn’t be damaged. That silly 1 inch plastic tray will not protect lower cabinets if a real gusher happens.
- Extra storage underneath the coin coin washer and coin dryer, people can custom make bottom drapeoplers or buy pedestal from the coin coin washer and coin dryer manufacture. Cabinets below put detergent, bleach, softener, cleaning supplies and paper towels. No need for step stool when reaching for basic laundry supplies.
- When coin laundry coin washer and coin dryer need need to be serviced, two people are need to get the top one down. Easier to pull out of wall and move onto four plastic milk crates, that way no need to lower and raise coin operated laundry machines.
- Kids will most likely have to use chairs to reach the coin washer
- People have an old Sears Kenmore top load coin washer/front load coin dryer set. Service guys far prefer our old machines!! In their words, “They are like working on an old Volkswagen motor, easy to work on, no computers, parts are still made because they are just good, old, reliable machines.” The service calls people have had have been due to age and just replacing some old parts. people don’t have very many service calls, but when people do always ask the repair guys, “What kind of machine do people have?” The only service guy that had a front load coin washer said he hates it and he’ll never get another one. He said lots of the problems they have that warrant service calls for front load coin washers is because people use the wrong soaps and it breaks down something with the seals or something. I forget the specifics, but the gist of the conversation was, front loaders aren’t all that great. He also said they are difficult to diagnose and fix because everything is computerized.
- coin laundry conversion kit from limited resources
- I would do side by side because of the reasons others have mentioned. Also I am not a fan of front loading coin washers. Mildew is a problem and it’s going to be just one more thing to have to clean.
- coin laundry conversion kit from limited resources
- Personally I would go with side by side on pedestals or base could build. My husband built one for of our daughter with room for detergent, softener, basket with hangers stored underneath. Much more economical and can be built to people's needs. Our laundry is small, and I don’t have a table for folding, but I just don’t care for stackables. Our son and his wife had them and I found reaching into coin dryer and using setting knobs difficult for me. The front loader will smell if not dried out after last load, I just leave cracked a bit for while after, and close the door since my laundry is nothing special to look at, just a nice functional space. An appliance repair friend told me to use powdered next time I shopped and this will lessen the odor problem.
- coin laundry conversion kit from limited resources
- People have front loader and as soon as I switched to powdered detergent my machine didn’t have the smell problem that most people talk about. Wipe out the front seal monthly and leave the door open after my last load. People have not had machines stacked but are up on pedestals and it saves people from having to bend over.
- coin laundry conversion kit from limited resources
- People have Samsung front loaders on drapeoplers that fit the units. People are debating the same thing in our new house: to stack or not to stack. Regarding a moldy smell others have stated, run a coin washing machine cleaner every month or two and use vinegar instead of fabric softener.
- coin laundry conversion kit from limited resources
- I agree with what most have said. No to a front loading coin washer. No to stacking. Big old yes to an agitator free top loader. It will be easier to do big items like bedding. My serviceman said as long as people can repair, keep the old ones. They’re made with metal parts instead of plastic so they last longer and are easier to repair. If people decide to go with a front loader go with a small base.
- coin laundry conversion kit from limited resources
- People have my front loaders stacked and love it. The coin washer is on the bottom and coin dryer on top. My four boys all do their own laundry (the 8 and 5 year old get help) and the older boys don’t have any problems reaching in to get their laundry out of the coin dryer. My coin washer had a smell until I switch to powder detergent. Now it doesn’t smell at all.
- coin laundry conversion kit from limited resources
- I love the eye level design. It's so much easier on people back. People have a couple of friends that have the stackables and after a few years the love affair is over. One friend had to have the coin washer replaced and then 2 months later the coin dryer peoplent out. People have a HE top loading coin washer that I absolutely love. Much success on whichever people choose.
- coin laundry conversion kit from limited resources
- A couple of thoughts if people haven’t purchased peopler new appliances yet:
- When I replaced my steady old Kenmore w/d about six years ago, I did a lot of research online and discovered so many complaints about mold/mildew with front loaders that I finally chose a Maytag agitator-free top loading coin washer. It’s been great and is big enough to easily wash comforters BUT unlike the old reliable Kenmore, it works from a computer. If people get this type of coin washer – or any kind other than the simple agitator style that’s made without a computer – seriously consider buying the extended warranty because chances are people will need a computer-related repair. Over 20 years of use, I think I had the repairman two, maybe three times, with the old Kenmore set. With the new computerized duo, I had to have the motherboard in the coin washing machine replaced before it was three years old. So my coin washer is top loading and both coin washer + coin dryer sit on the floor and that means bending over to drag stuff out of the back of the coin dryer. I pondered getting a drapeopler pedestal for the coin dryer only BUT they run about $249 and doing more research online I learned that the drapeoplers aren’t tall enough for most liquid detergents and fabric softener to stand up. That seemed like a bummer. We bought a 36″ grabber tool on Amazon for around $19. It has round rubber cups on the grabber end and I think it will work great for getting those back-of-the-drum wash and socks. It arrived yesterday and will be put to use today. Bottom line, I like my side by side because I utilize the top surface for a variety of things. If people creative hubby can find a way to raise a side by side w/d combo without having to buy those expensive drapeoplers it would be a double win.
- coin laundry conversion kit from limited resources
- I love the last photo, eye level side by side. I love the option of the storage above and below. I think it would be easier on the back when putting and pulling clothes in and out of the coin washer or coin dryer.
- coin laundry conversion kit from limited resources
- I like side by side off the floor. People have mine like that, it’s easier on my back and People have had front loaders for 9 years now and have never had to have them repaired.
- coin laundry conversion kit from limited resources
- People have front loader coin washers with the “less water needed” concept. They both hate them. Soap built-up is bad making the clothes “smelly. The coin dryer takes forever to dry people's clothes. Great idea with the folding table on top but then again that would require a front loading coin washer. Perhaps a narrow folding area or a rectangle/ square folding area somewhere in a nook that people haven’t thought of. people might be surprised where a “spot” for folding can be guilted into.
- coin laundry conversion kit from limited resources
- People have a front load coin washer and coin dryer and mine are stacked. People have never had any issue with them being stacked, and I love that People have all the space to the side for some shelving for my laundry baskets and hanging spaces for hangers. As far as everyone talking about a moldy smell, I find if I keep the door ajar on the coin washer, and wipe down the rubber gasket every once in awhile, I don’t have any problems. I also run it empty on the hottest setting occasionally to just wash out the coin washer. I do use some smelly crystal thingies in each load of laundry too, and our laundry smells wonderful. People have had my coin washer serviced and they didn’t have to unstack them to service the problem I had, so I imagine that isn’t that big of an issue unless people have a major problem.
- coin laundry conversion kit from limited resources
- Side by side, and definitely don’t put them on the floor! I hurt my back recently and bending down to put clothing in the coin washer and coin dryer really aggravated my injury. People have never had back problems before but I mentioned to my husband I now understand why they have the pedestal bases to purchase.
- coin laundry conversion kit from limited resources
- People have the old fashion top trading side by side. People have resisted the HD for all the reasons everyone else has said. People have used them and my clothes didn’t seem as clean and the mold/door open thing just won’t work for me. With people's ideas I don’t like the stacked. Lifting to the top machine, repair access and kids reaching it along with lack of top for folding would be a no go for me. I like the raised side by side look and drapeoplers but the repair access and folding area would be a factor. I would feel like I needed one of those rolling carts to transfer laundry and I don’t want that taking up space. I would prefer on the floor side by side and a counter above for folding if I people with front loaders.
- coin laundry conversion kit from limited resources
- Speaking from experience. I now have a stackable set, but my next won’t be. I had to have my coin washer replaced, so people had to unstack it. People have a gas coin dryer, so that meant having a plumber come in. it was an added expense. As long as people have the room, I’d do a side by side.
- coin laundry conversion kit from limited resources
- People have had my Frigidaire front loaders for over ten years now and still love them. I had them stacked in a closet in my previous home and have them side by side in my current home. I built sturdy platforms on heavy duty locking casters for each machine and love how easy they are to slide out to clean now. They are super sturdy and People haven’t had a mold issue. I leave the door open and run a cleaning cycle a few times a year. They aren’t at eye level but up enough that it makes loading/unloading easy as as folding.
- coin laundry conversion kit from limited resources
- If people stack them, then the top appliance will be very hard to reach for short folks. Keep this in mind if people are trying to teach kids to do laundry. If they can’t reach the buttons easily they will have the perfect excuse not to learn.
- coin laundry conversion kit from limited resources
- People have front loaders that are side by side on the 16″ manufacturer pedestals. The coin washer is too tall for me (at 4’11” almost everything is) to put in bleach or detergent without standing on a stool and “inconvenient” for my 5’5″ brother. The mildew smell in the coin washer happens occasionally. It is only when you miss wiping the between the door gasket and drum or emptying the cleanout monthly.
- coin laundry conversion kit from limited resources
- I finally figured out that my mold problem was coming from my detergent/fabric softener dispenser. I began using the Tide pellets & Downy softener sheets & no longer have that problem. I also leave my coin washer door partially open until it dries out. And I always wipe the inside of the coin washer door after my final cycle. People have a front loading Samsung & love it! My daughter has a Samsung top loader & hates that it tangles the clothes & the tub is almost too deep to reach. I think if people follow instructions people will be pleased. And don’t stack them.
- coin laundry conversion kit from limited resources
- Mine are stacked and I love them like that! I wasn’t going to peopleigh in since so many have already, but I keep reading that the front-loading coin washers get moldy. people have to leave the door cracked open (it looks like it is shut) so it can air dry. Also, when I do a load of towels, I wipe around the sealing parts with a dirty towel to catch anything. The salesperson told me both of these tips and they work perfectly. People have had mine about 4 years and have no mold issues or smell, and People have never needed service, so I can’t speak to any extra cost with taking down the coin dryer for that. I love having mine stacked. In my small laundry room, it gives me space for a laundry sorting system on the side that I would not have room for otherwise.
- coin laundry conversion kit from limited resources
- Please, please get a agitator free (largest capacity people can find) Top loader …love mine and my friends have trouble with their front loaders…various problems! I think side by side is nice…maybe a hinged movable counter over the coin washer..? It will be great, whatever people do! Love peopler blog so!
- coin laundry conversion kit from limited resources
- People have had at least five coin washers in my lifetime. Love the way the front loads look and the top surface for folding. (I’m a form over function sort of gal). Hopeoplever, People have really disliked my front load coin washer…smelly…takes too long…can’t add things late in cycle. Regarding stacked versus side by side, I would definitely do side by side because those puppies are going to need servicing.
- coin laundry conversion kit from limited resources
- Side by side on a platform. People have stacked at my beach house . Had a problem with one and it took 2 men and my husband to get it down to work on it. I had no choice but to do it that way at my beach house….but have side by side at my home.
- coin laundry conversion kit from limited resources
- People have an older whirlpool duet front loader. It’s gross. It’s moldy. I think they make front loaders much better now. My daughter has a samsung top loader. Brand new, with the extra sink in the lid. It’s great for getting out stains from the kids, however, it’s so deep, I can’t reach the clothes at the bottom. People have to use a hanger or something.
- coin laundry conversion kit from limited resources
- People have front loaders and so far no problem with mold. I just pull out the soap dispenser after each wash and leave the door open. At least once a month, I run a cleaning cycle with 2/3 cup of clorox. I also have them on pedestal stands. Much easier on the back.
- coin laundry conversion kit from limited resources
- I had my coin washer/coin dryer stacked and got tired of bending down to load/unload coin washer. Then I prepollent to the pedestals and that was nice but eventually people built a platform that is the perfect height and has a countertop on top. I like that arrangement best. Hope that helps. I’m sure it’s going to be beautiful!!
- coin laundry conversion kit from limited resources
- I really like the idea of having the set side by side up at eye level. people are thrifty to buy the bases for ours it would be easier to have them up higher.
- I love my front loader! People have had my LG set now for 11 years and people have never had a problem with the coin washer or the coin dryer. Maybe people are just lucky because I hear plenty of horror stories about all the brands! People have also never really had a problem with mold either. I do keep the door ajar (it doesn’t have to be wide open) and I use the Tide coin washing machine cleaner occasionally. The biggest thing I disagree with is the ladies that are saying their clothes don’t get as clean with a front loader. People have haven’t experienced that! People have two kids in marching band and a husband that loves yard work. Everything that goes in stinky and dirty comes out fresh and clean just my 2 ¢.
- coin laundry conversion kit from limited resources
- People have friends that can’t stand their front loaders. I peoplent with a top loader without the agitator.
- coin laundry conversion kit from limited resources
- I had a front loading coin washer and coin dryer most expensive mistake I made clothes always had a mildew smell when I moved I purchased an inexpensive side by side from sear and love them. I am a senior and I place a small stool in front of coin dryer and fold my clothing. Also tried powder in the front load machines, still had mildew smell.
- coin laundry conversion kit from limited resources
- people have a laundry center stackable unit. If repairs need done, hubby pulls the whole thing out & takes off the back to service either the coin washer or coin dryer.
- coin laundry conversion kit from limited resources
- Our laundry room is small but I still purchased new front loaders and placed them side by side. Having folding area on top is great. I wanted top loaders but my husband asked me if I could reach into the bottom of the large tub in the coin washer….and at 5′ I couldn’t!!! I can see by people beautiful family photos that people are much taller than me so that wouldn’t be a problem for people.
- coin laundry conversion kit from limited resources
- Never have I had a mold, mildew or odor problem. I rinse with vinegar (just the last few years) and leave the door open for ventilation. The reason I switched to vinegar was I think it helps cut soap film. I like the side by side on pedestals, but I like the look of the stacked.
- coin laundry conversion kit from limited resources
- If people are tall enough to read and reach the dials the stacking option would be a great space saver. people have stacking at our camp but they are actual “stacking”. The coin dryer controls are on the front at the bottom of the unit. The new models in people pics appear to be standard side by sides that are stacked and even though they stack are they a comfortable reach for people. As it is with my side by sides People have to stand on my tiptoes to see to pour the detergent in. I’m 5’2″. I do not have any odor issues with front loader. Does not gets my close as clean as the top loader. I’m disappointed. I used to stop my coin washer to let clothes soak and then restart and I can’t do that with this machine. Plus it’s a water saver and . . . I really don’t like it. My husband gets really dirty with his job and our son mows for college money. Even though he beats out his socks and whacks off his jeans the little pieces of grass are still stuck when they come out of the wash and the socks are green. So, I’m not that impressed.
- coin laundry conversion kit from limited resources
- Why would anyone want a coin washing machine they had to wipe the seal on, or put something in it to keep it from smelling, or leave the door open.
- coin laundry conversion kit from limited resources
- They do make energy efficient top load machines and 4 different friends of mine ended up switching from front load to top load!! For many reasons: mildew smells, noise, rattles/shaking of the front loaders. Get energy efficient top loading.
- coin laundry conversion kit from limited resources
- People have had two front loaders. Hated my earlier LG, which may be due to user-error on my part, but love my Kenmore that came with my new house. According to my repairman, the biggest mistake most people make is that it uses too much detergent. It builds up in the lines and affects the efficiency and contributes to the odor.